About BLC

BLC Staff

Boston Law Collaborative is a multidisciplinary law firm devoted to conflict resolution and the practice of collaborative law. Our goal is to save our clients time, money, and the emotional upheaval produced by litigation. Do we also go to court? Only when necessary. Many years of experience have taught us that problem-solving and effective negotiation produce better results. And with experienced professionals from the fields of law, mediation, finance and psychology, BLC offers clients a full range of services and support.

In 1976, Harvard Law professor Frank Sander developed the concept of the multi-door courthouse – a place where people could opt for trial or a variety of dispute resolution processes (such as mediation and arbitration). Today, BLC is applying the multi-door principle to the delivery of client services.

“If your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.”- Abraham Maslow.

BLC looks for alternatives to litigation – the legal system’s traditional, adversarial method of dispute resolution. Our tools are collaborative law, mediation, arbitration, and case evaluation. Our approach is to seek common ground and find better solutions.

BLC was founded in August 2003 by David Hoffman, who left a successful mediation, arbitration and litigation practice at Hill & Barlow to create a multi-disciplinary law and dispute resolution practice. Today, BLC is comprised of a team of ten dedicated professionals, and a diverse community of affiliates and colleagues.

BLC is unique in several respects:

  • Multidisciplinary practice. BLC works closely with talented professionals in various disciplines: psychology, tax and accounting, business valuation, and others. While these individuals are not members of the firm, we have developed close working relationships with them to foster inter-disciplinary team work – with the goal of achieving less expensive and more durable solutions to conflict.
  • Collaborative Law. BLC looks for every opportunity to resolve conflict without going to court. Collaborative Law is an important development in the practice of law – permitting clients and lawyers to use problem-solving strategies instead of threats and ultimatums.  BLC member David Hoffman was a co-founder of the Massachusetts Collaborative Law Council, and two of BLC’s lawyers are members of the Massachusetts Collaborative Law Council.
  • Dispute Resolution. BLC provides mediation and arbitration services, as well as a variety of other services in which we serve as impartial dispute resolvers – such as case evaluation, parenting coordination, and guardian ad litem services. We also provide training in all areas of dispute resolution through our Institute.  Several members of the BLC team lead mediation trainings for the Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education, the Community Dispute Settlement Center, and MWI, among others.  BLC was also selected by the American Bar Association to provide its first divorce mediation training in 2009, and advanced mediation trainings in 2011 and 2012, and all BLC attorneys and neutrals are trained mediators. BLC’s ADR Panel is comprised of experienced mediators, facilitators, ombuds, conciliators, and administrative judges practicing in a variety of areas.

BLC has won recognition from a number of organizations. The book, “Best Lawyers in America,” and U.S. News & World Report have chosen BLC since 2005 to be on their list of Tier One law firms. In 2009, the American Bar Association gave BLC its annual “Lawyer as Problem Solver Award” and in 2010, the International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution gave BLC its annual “Law Firm Award for Excellence in ADR.

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