In addition to our workshop offerings, we also provide coaching and facilitation services for our clients. Coaching and facilitation engagements are led by BLC staff, affiliates and members of our ADR Panel. BLC Institute Executive Director Audrey Lee has extensive experience providing 1-1 coaching to attorneys and other professionals, conducting Facilitation Workshops, and Train-the-Trainer programs to equip in-house presenters with interactive training methods.
All of BLC Institute’s services may be offered as one-on-one coaching sessions. Recent coaching engagements include assisting clients in negotiating employment terms, delivering bad news, giving constructive feedback, and soliciting feedback. Topics, skills and the duration of the coaching engagement may be tailored to the client’s specific needs.
There is growing recognition that the traditional meeting, common in both businesses and organizations, is failing. Chief complaints often include lack of productivity, misuse of time, and problematic affect on morale. One contributing factor is that those designated to serve as meeting conveners often lack the skills necessary to conduct successful meetings. BLC’s ADR Panel members have worked with clients to design, facilitate and conduct meetings for clients or to train clients to build internal facilitation capacity. Institute faculty have also taught Facilitation Skills Workshops for clients’ internal presenters to enhance the interactivity of their in-house training programs.