Our Team

Don Greenstein

Don Greenstein


Don Greenstein has a background in conflict management, law, facilitation of difficult communications, organizational development and creative dispute management processes. He has over 29 years of experience working with an array of technical issues and creating conflict resolution processes.  Don is a “re-formed” attorney, whose work has involved conflict assessment, facilitation, mediation and external and internal ombud services of business, work place, family, end of life, court annexed, private, community and interpersonal issues. His passion is helping people and entities with ongoing and long term relationships work through differences.

He spends time training and mentoring mediators and volunteers in court based and community mediation programs.

Don is the Brandeis University Ombuds, as well as an affiliate of Boston Law Collaborative, an adjunct Professor with the MA General Hospital Institute for Medical Professionals, an affiliate of the MA Office of Public Collaboration (MOPC), and is an active reservist Ombud with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in disaster response matters throughout the US.  He has a freelance mediation, facilitation conflict coaching and external ombud practice based in Massachusetts and throughout the United States.  Don is a member of the following mediation panels: American Health Lawyers Association, Udall Foundation Environmental Roster, and the Boston Law Collaboration Workplace Roster.

He has extensive experience with large and small corporations, federal, state and local agencies relating to team building and work place management issues, as well as public/private and board meeting facilitations.